Photo Repair

Photo Repair and Preservation

At some time your wedding photo album, scrapbook or special family collection may be showing symptoms of deterioration from age, poor storage, changes in temperature and humidity, sunlight, fire or water damage. We can help restore those photos, print them out as new and store them digitally so that they will be saved for generations to come.

Family photographic images are truly irreplaceable, they could be lost forever. Consider how valuable your photos are to you and your family – and give us a call before it’s too late.

Our photo restoration service can reconstruct faces, restore detail on photos with extreme damage, fix ripped photos, fold marks and scratches, we can replace missing sections, clean up severe surface damage and delete overwriting or scribbles.

Below are a few examples of our recent work – each pair of photos shows what the original looked like before we started work on it and the resulting final image.

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We scan in the original photo at a high resolution and retouch it digitally by hand. We do not use any fully automatic functions that you find in some applications – like dust/speck removal or red-eye adjustments – we get rid of every speck and flaw using our expert eye and knowledge.


Please note however, that there are limitations to what can be achieved – for instance if a photo is blurred or badly out of focus we cant make it any sharper – or if large areas of detail are ripped or removed, we can’t reinvent what isn’t there – if you want colour added to an old black and white we can only guess at the original colour. We will always discuss with you what can be achieved with your treasured photos.


If you have old documents – like certificates, maps or legal documents we can apply similar repair procedures that we do with photographs to give a clear, cleaner reproduction.


Every job is different and will require different amounts of work so I will quote each job separately. If you have several photos needing restoration there will be quantity discounts – the following will give you some guide.